Hemorrhoid Treatment

What is the Hemorrhoid Treatment ?
Hemorrhoid is a swollen vein or group of veins in the region of the anus caused by inflammation or peeling of protective skin of vein, resulting in gradual enlargement of the vein, which then automatically develop into hemorrhoid.
Our thorough research and experience in treating 5217 hemorrhoid patients at Toch Yan clinic revealed that hemorrhoid is a chronic disease that leads to many other diseases and has severe impact on people’s health; it intoxicates cells and tissues, and causes them to be chronically ill, which patients would never expect. Without proper and correct diagnose and if hemorrhoid is not treated first, the patient could not be recovered.
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at #16, 18 Street 16 Borey Piphupthmey Veng Sreng Choam Chov Phnom Penh Cambodia Tel 012 855 922, 097 9797 882, 010 270 063 Tool-Free 1800 00 1989 Facebook clinic toch hemorrhoi treatment