The best Friday ever !

Time to say TGIF! I decided to spend my day as much useful and joyful as possible. And yeah... There is Kizuna festival at CJCC which is officially held from today until Sunday , so I told myself not to miss it. As I planned, everything was amazing today. Not only about joining a health talk session on Lifestyle change and stress management which is the topic hitting me best ( as I can be counted as a stressful bitch at work), I was also absolutely amazed by my idol, DJ Nana's speech and inspiration. I found myself having everything she have raised up, especially habit of stressing myself that I could t help but laugh out loudly and think how stupid was me? Anyway, to make it short, I'd rather write down 6 things I have learned from this talk session:
1. Always look ourself in positive way ( though we have a lot of negative sides)
2. Learn to do something in your comfort zone ( how to have this zone? Just repeatly do that thing )
3. Never get bothered of how people think about you and never give a shit in other people's business too.
4. Comparing ourself to those who differently walk in the other path is crazy
5. Be inspired ( by your idol ), but never copy and past ( always be your own version and the best one )
6. Never hesitate catching the opportunities no matter what it is , just try if you can do it ( if not , nothing to worry about and if yes, congratulation! you find your secret talent) .
seem like I got this lesson vey well from my idol, but who know if got it all right or all wrong ?
Okay, I guess I made it a day and I can't wait to say thank you to myself for making such a choice to spend this Friday amazingly. Then, what will be next?