Hemorrhoid Treatment

Hemorrhoid Treatment
Treatment of Hemorrhoid is divided into two methods: conventional and modern.
1. Conventional treatment has been in existence for a long time and learned from one generation to another. Treatment includes:
- Boil traditional medicines (leaves, branches, roots, etc.)
- Tablet or capsule, or cream
- Take a steam-bath, or grill
- Medicine for cutting
2. Modern treatment is divided into methods: surgical and non-surgical.
3. Surgical treatment
- Manual operation
- Machine operation
4. Nonsurgical treatment
- Treatment by laser
- Treatment by rubber band ligation
- Treatment by pill
- Treatment by cream
- Treatment by injection
5. Treatment by modern injection and medicines
- Inject from 3 to 5 days the longest
- 7 to 10 days after injection, hemorrhoids will drop by themselves
- During the course of treatment, patients can walk, sleep, stand, sit, do business, perform their job as usual without staying at the clinic
- Guarantee that the after treatment hemorrhoids will not appear again (Lifetime Warrantee card issuance)
- Patients are completely cured for all the types of hemorrhoids, even though they have been 50 or 60 years, or are at the final stage with blood and strain.